Acousticfacts at Archidex2014 visited Archidex 2014 in Kuala Lumpur 25-28 of June.  We had the chance to spread our initiative to a large amount of interior designers in Asia, by participating in a 'Biz talk' the 26th of June in the exhibition hall for sustainable manufacturer.

With this first trip to Asia we hope that will be used more frequently as a tool for acoustically evaluated interior products also for the asian market, said Klas Hagberg, manager for this initiative and also manager for the swedish business of acoustics in WSP group. We already have one manufacturer based in Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, availabe on the site, Ekous by TaZ. 


Furniture day 2013

The 19th November it is time for the annual furniture day in Sweden, arranged by the Technical Research Institute of Sweden, SP. This year we are happy to be part...


How sound works in rooms

Hi everyone! we found an informative video on youtube that we want to share with you. 



Acousticfacts on Furniture Fair in Stockholm

On Thursday this week we will present on a seminar in the Furniture fair in Stockholm,