Möbelfakta introduces acoustics into their quality marking

The Swedish quality mark “Möbelfakta” introduces acoustics into their quality marking. This will imply that products evaluated according to Acousticfacts.com automatically become approved by “Möbelfakta“. The news in mobelfakta.se will be presented during the furniture day in Borås Sweden the 18th of November (http://www.tmf.se/bransch/mobler/mobeldagen_2014 ) and will be formally launched the 1st of January 2015.


Acoustic Facts at Furniture Day

Klas Hagberg is going to talk about acousticfacts.com at the Furniture Day the 19 of November in Borås, Sweden. Don´t miss it!


Development update 2015

One year has past since acousticfacts.com first launched and a lot of exciting things have happened. We now have approximately 100 products  being evaluated...


Live support at acousticfacts!

Acoustics can be a very complex topic. We at Acoustic Facts are aiming to make it a little bit easier to understand. As you may already know all the products that...