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How to design a good sound environment

Good sound environment implies more productive people with better health and well-being....


Malaysian international furniture fair

The 4 of March the Malaysian international furniture fair (MIFF 2014) takes place in Kuala Lumpur, ....


N10 A New Measure for speech absorption

N10 is a new measure that can be used to set adequate sound absorption requirements, primarily for floor screens and desk screens if they are aimed to be used as...

2017-02-22 has now been active for six months!

We have increased the number of clients from five to fourteen and the number of products evaluated is now close to one hundred. They emanates from...


How laboratory measurements are done

Making laboratory measurements on absorption are not as difficult as it may sound. A brief explanation of the procedure is given here in order to inform our clients...


Why is it better to make measurements in real rooms, than to model the room?

Prior to calculate the need for additional sound absorption using the products in you need to know the...


World Premiere for

Finally, after a lot of work we will finally launch the worlds first third party evaluators for products with acoustic abilities, The five first...

Acoustic Facts – promoting future indoor work places

When designing a new office you have to consider how the work environment will change in the future. There are three important issues to consider<...

2017-02-22 Press Release

The acoustic environment indoors affects us all, both at home and at work. Today it’s well known that the acoustic environment in e g offices and schools causes...